Destruction is a song that is my attempt at depicting the destructive nature of humans, which is why it is so dark and heavy. Our destructive nature is also nonsensical and unpredictable, which is why some of the song, the less “heavy” parts, were purposefully written to be “weird” and not very straightforward. What do you feel when you hear it?

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Hey guys!!!! I’m excited to announce a concert where I’ll be joined by the one and only Howell Sledge!!!!! Get your tickets now!!!!
The entire album is absolutely fire. His music takes you through a journey with each song. Each one evokes a different type of emotion and they flow so well from one to the next. My favorites are probably lamboogie, MIA, and destruction.
I just listened to the songs Destruction & Iced Over. Overall, it is very refreshing because it’s different. Hearing the lead guitar being as if it is the lead vocalist. They are so melodic, from having bright moments, some darker moments. I love songs that carry a lot of mood to them. Destruction overall had a more darker approach on the guitar work, so the name of the song was very fitting. Iced Over was more brighter in its feeling, and it made me feel a sense of peace in this crazy world we are living in. So even though something is Iced Over and looking like we are done for, but with Christ we are able to walk over all that ice, without falling. I can’t wait to check out all your other songs man. I’m also not much of comparing things to something else because, not a lot of people can see the bigger picture at hand, which is called inspiration. I hear some Stryper, Def Leppard, and a lot of other 80’s metal in the lead guitar tones/harmonies, while the rhythm guitars are more modern sounding. It blends very well together!!! 🤘🏻🔥🤘🏻