Photo & Video

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PRS SE Custom 24 Floyd, one of my work horses. Plays like butter, and will probably end up being my main gigging Floyd guitar. Can't recommend PRS enough!

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Soooo... when I was recording "This is Only a Test" during a session with Ken Lanyon, my producer, I needed to lay down some rhythms and picked up a PRS SE Custom 24 and fell in LOVE. This was my first PRS. It honestly plays better than some guitars I have that are quadruple the cost!!!!

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This is a 2002 Gibson Custom Shop Historic R0 '60 Les Paul Heritage in Cherry Sunburst. It is a fine playing instrument and feels very nice. Was worth every penny!

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The Jem 7VP. This is one of my favorite axes to play. It has been re-fretted with stainless steel frets, and they feel smoooooth. Other than maybe needing a sustainer, this thing is a monster!!!!!

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The Holy Grail. The Ibanez JS1CR, Chromeboy. I recorded 90% of my album "This is Only a Test" with it. The sustainer is a nice touch to a JS. This guitar has a pretty hefty price tag, but hey, it was a graduation present for finishing Neurology Residency! Gotta splurge now and then!!!!

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During residency, I was too poor to afford a "real" jem.... sooooo, I made one from a kit. This guitar plays as well as any other guitar I have. It was the second guitar I'd built. The wiring is very cool.... The tone pot is a DPDT for phase reversing the middle pickup, and the volume pot is a DPDT for coil splitting. The tonal versatility is not matched by stock Ibanez guitars. The logo is fake, as this is NOT an Ibanez. I downloaded an Ibanez logo and edited it, adding my signature, and calling it a "Jem replica." If you want to get into kit building, I recommend checking out my good friend Dan at

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Every studio needs a Stratocaster. This plays better than most strats I've touched. It was made by a local tech and musician, Tommy Shepard . 60's fat neck, DiMarzio Rails.... this thing is an absolute beauty and extremely versatile. I think I'll be adding some DPDT push-pull pots some additional tonal options!!!!

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The Peavy Wolfgang Special. This was a "test model" that was in the hands of a Peavy tech at the time of Eddie's departure from Peavy, just before he launched his private line (through Fender). If I'm being honest... it's nice to have an EVH guitar, but I don't dig the floyd being against the body by design. With my style, I need to be able to pull up on the bar. Still, it's a nice edition to the studio and is available for students to play or for recording.

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This is a REMARKABLE amp. It's the Synergy Syn50 Head with two modules, the Vai Module and the Freidman BE-BB. I spend the majority of my time in the Vai module... This isn't modeling, at all. It is completely tube driven. When Carvin stopped making amps, Vai found Synergy and developed his newest "Legacy" iteration. It is the tone you hear on my album, "This is Only a Test." Of course, my tone is completely different from Vai's, but his module can get you the sound you want!!!